I sit and wonder everyday why no one can figure out how Trump is not the savior of our economy. Trump was given an economy that was already thriving with inflation as low as 0.7% in December of 2015 under Obama and Biden. After the mishandling of the COVID response, we were put into double jeopardy and rates skyrocketed to allow for the constant spending that Donald Trump continually made headlines for.
When COVID hit, "it will just magically disappear". Well it didn't but about 6 million people did because of it worldwide. It is still at the top of the list, continuously changing and mutating, that hit along with all of the money that was spent to keep us from dying. Along with a border wall that he wanted to build and was going to cost us nothing but ultimately cost us billions. And this is a time where you believe that Trump was best for the economy for this world? For the United States?
If the economy was so bad under Biden and Obama, that they had to fix it, then why did the Republicans start out their whole tenure by looking for aliens, trying to impeach workers, trying to fire people doing their jobs, looking for any type of information that they can to detract from what was really going on in the world.
Inflation is down, but food and gas prices are not? WHAT????
Hello Trump and his cronies are out there making big deals to keep the money out of your pockets to make you believe he is the right choice. Wake up, he is the devil incarnate. He could care less about you, me, anyone but himself
When is it that we are going to stop listening to the lies that are told to us and start listening to ourselves when we hear things that just don't make sense. You have to follow your own mind, heart, and values.
These trumpers do nothing but lie, cheat, and steal to get what they need and want. They have no clue what it is to be in a position where you have not had a home, where you have not had food on the table, where you have not been able to pay your bills.
And you people continue to follow a man who is a billionaire, who still asks you all for your money and you wonder why you can't put food on the table because you're too busy investing in and buying his stupid products while he's laughing at you in your face all the way to the bank!
Wake up people, he is not your savior, he is not your protector, he is not your number one fan. He is nothing but an over blown bullshit artist who does nothing but take, take, take!
The economy was not better under Trump!
The economy was best under Obama and Biden.
The Trump campaign is constantly lying to you about a great economy that was inherited and needed no fixing. People wake up aren't you tired of this. Stop this craziness now. Open your eyes, if this man will talk about a woman and tell somebody that she's stupid, a moron, dumb, you better believe you will be called those names if he doesn't think you're worthy of his circle.
And may I mention this, none of you are worthy of his circle. He's a billionaire with no cares about what it cost to get bread, to get gas, to pay your mortgage.!!!!
Stop falling for the okie doke, he's been pulling the wool over your eyes for many generations. Do your research on his family find out where he's from I think you would be surprised to find out the things about Donald Trump that should be out in the open.
I could go on for the rest of the day about the crazy things that come out of this man's mouth. However, I will leave it at this, the world was NOT a better place under Donald Trump!!!
Let's look at abortion ban's.
Here is the stupidity that I don't get, you want to give a woman the right to make decisions about how to raise a child, but we don't have the right to make a decision whether we want one or not?
To all you trumpers out there, this is the man who killed women's own choice over their own wombs. He has made women die because of his decisions. As he says it was what everyone wanted. Not myself nor millions of other women wanted this to happen. This is a tragedy for every woman and we should be standing with each other not against one another to change this course in life now!
You will get rid of a way for women to have choices by getting rid of Roe versus Wade, and then leave it up to Republican States to determine how a woman should deal with her own god-given body.
This is the only time that God should be involved in a conversation about a woman or about any subject thereafter.
God did not give us the right to bear arms, God did not give us the right to kill maim or injure someone with a gun.
The only god-given right we have is that we are here in this world. We should really stop talking about god-given rights as if holding a Bible is going to change the fact that Moses and others that followed, were the ones who created all of the extra entitlements to those who wanted things that were not in our ten commandments.
These are all big things that people created not given by God. PLEASE STOP 🛑 🛑 🛑
If you are pro life, don't exact your revenge on every woman out there. When Roe v Wade was in place we all had a choice. By taking that away you took away that choice for us. You exacted your life choices on every woman and child, no matter what you think, no matter how you feel about the situation, whether you believe that a woman should be pro life, it's not your business. If you get pregnant and you choose to have a child, great for you. For those of us who don't want to have a child or have a child that we're going to have to raise that is somehow not fully developed, are you going to raise that child for me?
And if you're not going to raise it and pay for it and make me struggle to figure out how to create income to raise this child, then let us have our own choice to do what is necessary for our own lives.
That is what Roe v Wade was about. The choice to make your own decisions about your own body. We should never let someone else tell us how to deal with our own bodies. The fact that someone can allow someone to make decisions about the smallest things but won't let you make your own decisions about your own body is crazy!